Thursday, December 16, 2010

Having some mommy time.

Dont Blink!

Wow in just one day, Collin has moved up to size 2 diapers, added a oz to to his bottle and now can sit in his big boy tub. He is growing up to fast. Also he is trying to sit up out of his bouncer and swing.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Holding his own bottle.

To Funny.

Lyla Michele Horton

We also want to welcome miss Lyla Michele Horton to the world. This is our best friends Jake and Nicoles baby girl. She was born on Monday, December 6th. She was 7 pounds 6 oz and head full of black hair. Just adorable. Were so glad that she is here!! PS this is Collins girlfriend he or she just doesnt know it yet!!

Congratulations Amber and Austin.

Got some exciting news, Amber is pregnant! Russell and I are so happy for yall. Words couldnt explain how good we felt when you told us. I cant wait to find out here in a couple of weeks who is in there. Just know that Russell, Collin and I will be here for you the whole way through your new adventure. Collin says he cant wait to meet his new cousin. We love all of you very much. Congrats again!

Tummy Time.

Wow, he just impresses me. He is holding his head up for long periods of time. Before we know it he will be sitting, crawling and then walking. Such a big boy.

First day with the sitter.

Collin was such a good boy this morning getting ready to go to the baby sitters house. We thought we would share with everyone a picture of him on his first day. It was really hard but I (Trisha) stayed strong and didnt cry. He seems to really like his sitter. She can speak spanish to and says she wants him to be able to understand both spanish and english. Sounds good to us!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Just one happy baby.

He is such a happy baby. I love little moments like this! Being a mom is everything I hoped for a more. We are very blessed.

Making Collin laugh!

This morning he was getting ready to take a bath and I just happened to poke his neck and he laughed. So this is what we learned today, a new tickle spot! Glad Russell was here to capture the moment. I love my boys!

Missing him already.

Well today is offically the last full day that I will spend with Collin before I go to work. Today we are meeting up with the women that will be taking care of him. Were very blessed that she is only charging us $50 a week. We were very stressed before we found out about her because all of the daycares were booked up until March. And I needed to go back to work. But things worked out! I start tomorrow with my new job, I hope everything works out. I will have to leave extra early in the morning to drop him off because Im not gonna want to leave. But I will be strong because he will be in good hands.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Opening Season = Success.

Both Rusty and Russell caught their deer! I just want to say that I am proud of you two!! Rustys is a 10 point and Russells is 9 point. One day Collin will get to go hunting with them. Congrats yall!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween...


Sleepy Time!

Thanks Grammie!

Mom, Russell and I would like to thank you so much for helping us with Collin. I dont know what I would do without you! We enjoyed your time with us and cant wait for you to come visit again. We all love and miss you so much. Russell, Trisha and Collin.

2 week check up.

Collin is doing great! He has gained all the weight back that he should, he now weighs 10 pounds 1 ounce! He is a growing boy! He is 22 1/2 inches long and is 83 percentile. The pediatrition did another hearing test and he passed, so no worries about his hearing. He did so good today, he didnt cry once. Now the next time we go back to the doctor is to get his two months shots, very sad.

Being so good.

Grammie and Collin

One happy family