Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Christmas 2009

Christmas decorating has just began. Me and Russell are so excited about decorating our new house and wanted to share it with everyone. It's almost like we skipped right over Thanksgiving...but we cant wait to come home for the holidays.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Anyone want Dried Kitty?

I was cleaning out the dryer folding the clothes when Bella decided that she wanted to play in the dryer..! I had to capture this funny moment. She loved it. We actually had to make a special trip to the Emergency room last night. My stomach was giving me problems and I just decided to go find out what was the problem. I had to do X-rays, ultra sounds and cat scans to find out that they can not find anything wrong with me. They said that everything looked great. Very confusing. I missed a test in school this morning because they made me come back at 7:30..for the ultra sound. They thought it was my gallbladder. They did however find two small cysts on both of my ovaries. Dont worry they said that they werent harmful. I can still have babies.So Russell and I have had a long day, four hours of sleep with work and school. Ugh. Tonight we are going to just relax and get some sleep.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Today we woke up early to go to work, then Trisha was off to school. She has two test this week and the paper that she had to write this weekend. She is a little stressed. She didn't find out some good news at school, they told her she wouldn't be able to register for some classes and they didn't give her a reason.
On the other hand, were really excited because Jacob Horton one of our really good friends had an interveiw at our job today and got the job. Yay for him and Nicole.
Tonight were gonna study for some test that she has this week and probably work out. Hope the week goes by a little less stressful.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Morning Cleaning

So I woke up this morning and decided to clean the whole house. Russell is sleeping beautifully and I have the country music going and Im off. Have to clean the house and write a 2000 word essay which most of it is done already. Wish me luck.

When I look at Russell while he is sleeping, I cant imagine my life any different, man I Love Him!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The beginning of a new life.

Our Honeymoon

On June 27th, 2009, Russell and I both made a wonderful decision to get married.

Russell and I have been together since January 2nd, 2008. We have known each other since high school, "high school sweethearts" as one would say. We are very much in LOVE. At first the family really didnt like the fact that we wanted to get married so soon and young (19). But we fought it, knowing that that was the was we wanted to do. Yes some drama occured but what family wouldn't. We didnt understand that then, but we realize now that they have their opinion and were just looking out for us. Never have we regreted our decision. Our families have both been very supportive and we just want to thank them with everything that we have.

We think that we are doing pretty good for a newly married couple. Were going to college, working full time, keeping up with a house with two dogs (Lilly and Freckles) and a cat (Isabella). We both are driving new cars and have everything that we need. The Lord has blessed us with many things in our life.

At work both of us just got a promotion and are moving up in the company. This is very exciting and really good for us as a family. In school I am going to major in nursing and Russell is still undecided which is okay because he still has time. No need to rush into things. I am very determined to become a nurse. Growing up all thats all that I dreamed of and it gives me butterflies to think of one day I will be working in hospital.
We both are looking foward to the future and growing old together.