Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Doctor update.

Today I went to the doctor and everything is looking good. He checked the babies heart rate and its at 148, he made the comment that its moving toward the boy range, but its still in the girl range! Ive only gained 4-5 pounds since Ive been pregnant. He says Im right on track to where I need to be. He also told me that my belly should be popping out in the next few weeks or so, which Im already starting to show. He sent me to the lab to give blood and they are checking to make sure the spinal cord and everything is forming properly. We will find out the results in a week or so. I have another doctors appointment on May 17. Then I will be 18 weeks and 6 days. He said if the blood work comes back okay, he will do an ultrasound to see what the sex of the baby is! But we have a busy week a head of us. Tomorrow we go to the new house to get it appraised and inspected. Wish us luck!

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