Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Montego Bay, Jamaica

Sorry that it has been awhile since the last post, we've been real busy with school and work especially with us going to Jamaica on January 2nd. Our job offered us both positions as managers over in Jamaica. They just opened a new call center down there and they need help to bring up the sells so they thought we would be perfect for the job. Its good work all this past year from both of us that made them make this decision. I am very happy and feel that this is a great accomplishment. How many 20 year olds out there can say that they have achieved this much so far, not many! There are many things that we have to consider about moving down there, but it will be an experience. It will be staying there 5 weeks to 5 months. This is going to be a great time to save some money! They are paying for everything except food. Pass ports, plane tickets, housing, transportation, you name it. Many of the family members are frustrated with the decision, but it is what is best for me and Russell. When we come back to Texas we will both soon become managers which means that through college we will have a well paying job. What more could we ask for? We were both really excited about the offer and once everything was said and done, I'm glad that we are going. We can get away, try something new. Were ready for a change. We'll go down there, get the job done and have fun too.

Thanksgiving on the other hand was good. Eating lots of food, seeing baby Cibers and spending time with family was needed. I started working out again and I'm trying to lose a little bit of weight before I go to Jamaica.

School has three weeks left. Its taking forever it seems like. But I will sure be glad when I can get a break. Finals are in two weeks. Wish me Luck!

1 comment:

  1. congradulations trisha and russell!!
    love mom, dad and bubba.
    (Debbie and Tommy)
