Monday, January 11, 2010

First Day of Work..!

Alright, so work is just great. We were a little nervous at first but then the agents started loosing up and they seem to like us alot. Im very thankful that they like us because it would make our job very difficult. We had some problems at the call center today which made things very hard, so we had to go home early. It still didnt clear up today, it was overcast and it rained just a little around 6:00. We love that you guys are commenting us on facebook. Keep them coming and we will post tons of pics when we do things and when we have time when were not working. Im so excited to be here. Me and Russell are having a blast and its only been two days. He loves the fact that he is a manager. We got our own teams today which it was my first time to ever have a team and I felt like we all clicked, they opened up to me so that I could build a relationship with them. I was shocked and very excited. They are going to teach me their language so that when I come home I can speak it! It will shock everyone how different it is over here. They drive super crazy and its on the opposite side of the road and the driver seat is on the passanger side. Pretty cool. Today the ocean was real choppy and had tons of waves. Our driver said that they have not seen waves that big since the 1980's. I am learning tons of new things over here, its insane, but good. I feel like Im at home in our house, which I wasnt expecting. Very thankful. The people over here are actually welcoming. There so many different types of people. Im a huge people watcher so you know me Im always looking at everyone, and of course they are looking at us to because we are American. And they fly four flags to our one..US flag, Jamaican, UK and Canada. So if an American has a baby, then they are all of those. Interesting right? I was amused. I have been asking people tons of questions, its like Im real curious about their culture. Karl and Tina are the couple that we are staying with and they have taught us alot too. There is so much to a little time to do it, you know since we are working and all. Well dinner is ready, Im actually eating spaghetti, Im coming out of my box, Russell is to on some things. More to come, keep checking. Night!

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