Sunday, February 21, 2010

Saturday night we went out to eat with some friends of ours at the Yaucht Club.Overall the day was AMAZING. We really enjoyed ourselves.

The next Saturday we all went to the beach and went snorkling.

Then on the way home from dinner we stopped at the gift shop and got these!!

Okay so it has been awhile we know! We have just been super busy with things changing at work, our hours, what day we are leaving Jamaica and etc. But were about to update you on everything that has been going on.

First off we have some pictures from dinner on Valentines Day. We were at a place called Pier 1 and it was right on a pier. We went around 8 so we couldnt take pretty pictures of the water.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Doctor Update:

So we tried another doctor today to see what she had to say since the other doctor was not very productive. As soon as we got there the nurse had already asked more questions than the other doctor had asked. It started out well I thought. Then we get to see the main doctor. This doctor has been known to see most Americans that come to Jamaica. When we went in there, the doctor saw us right away. She asked most of the questions that should have been asked, then she gave me a pelvic exam. She said that my uterus is in a good position. So that gave me some relieve. Then she told me that I was five weeks and four days. That I was not aware of. I thought I was just now four weeks. So Im almost 6 weeks! I know its not that big of a difference but it is to me. Ive been reading my books about the baby's developement and now I can really have a mental picture of what it looks like right now! Very exciting. At week 8 I will be able to hear the babies heart beat! Also I get another ultrasound on March 2nd. This time we will actually be able to see the baby. I felt really comfortable with this doctor and she even set me up with another appointment. The other doctor didnt. Well so overall the visit went well!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I have made another appointment with an American doctor down here because the first one I went to was very quacky. They didnt do most of the things they should have. My appointment is Friday at 1. So I will feel much better to know that Im able to see an American doctor here. Just letting everyone know! We love everyone.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Yesterday was an experience. We went to the Logos Hope Ship that is a non profit organization that travels around the world on a ship that sells millions of books at a discounted rate. Trisha bought tons of baby books. Then later that night we went to the movies. It wasn't to bad until right in the middle of the movie they have an intermission. A 15 minute intermission. We were upset because it was a really good movie, The Book of Eli. But then again it was kind of funny because we werent use to it. Sunday has been a lazy day for us. Trisha needs some rest and Im going to watch the Superbowl.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Today I had my first ultrasound and they couldn't see the baby. It was to early. I am only 2-3 weeks pregnant. They did a different type of ultrasound and they saw the sac and my uterus is enlarging, which means I'm definitely pregnant. My body is getting ready for the baby! We were a little disappointed when they said they couldn't see anything. We got scared, what if I had three false positives. But then he showed me the ultrasound and I saw the sac. We then became excited again. I have to return in two weeks so that we can try it all over again. This is the start of something amazing and we can't wait. We are also really thankful that everyone is following our journey to becoming parents.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

This is the darkest of the three I took.

First Doctors Appointment.

I went to the doctor on Monday and all that happened was that she set me up with and appointment for blood testing and then made me an appointment for Friday for my ultrasound to see how far along I am. I went on Tuesday to get the blood work done and I get the results back in a week. I've been taking my prenatal vitamins since Monday. We need a healthy baby! Tomorrow I see how far along I am! Wish us luck.