Friday, February 5, 2010


Today I had my first ultrasound and they couldn't see the baby. It was to early. I am only 2-3 weeks pregnant. They did a different type of ultrasound and they saw the sac and my uterus is enlarging, which means I'm definitely pregnant. My body is getting ready for the baby! We were a little disappointed when they said they couldn't see anything. We got scared, what if I had three false positives. But then he showed me the ultrasound and I saw the sac. We then became excited again. I have to return in two weeks so that we can try it all over again. This is the start of something amazing and we can't wait. We are also really thankful that everyone is following our journey to becoming parents.


  1. trisha stop worring, everything will be just fine. i know your upset, it will be ok. in a couple of weeks youll find out how far you are.just think postive ok we love you, love mom, dad, bubba

  2. Take a deep breath. Enjoy your time there. Everything will work out. Don't get caught up so much in the now all you will do is worry. Just have fun and enjoy this time. Rusty&Renee'
